News & Events
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My name is Sianga. Today, I want to ask you a favour, but first I want to share my story with you.
I grew up in Maasai land in remote village of Kiserian, Tanzania, with my mother and my siblings. We never had the opportunity to go to school or even access to basic health care. I went to school under a tree and I had to walk 16 km each day. My family relied on their livestock for our livelihood. During dry seasons, we hardly had much to eat.
As a child, I would often walk our livestock miles and miles with an empty stomach. Food insecurity, especially during drought can be a matter of life and death.
I grew up knowing that I needed to do something to make sure no child should ever in front of my eye go through the same situation.
I now run a charity called Future Warriors Project, which works to deliver grassroots programs and services that support Maasai people and communities to face the challenges of the modern world.
We work with women and early childhood education, providing support Maasai to benefit from the Tanzanian tourism industry.
During the Covid-19 pandemic we provided over 500 families with food and produced education videos in 3 different languages.
You see me in the middle with our preppy. The joy of doing this is something I will always treasure.
I have seen first hand how powerful people can be in a making real, tangible change. Since starting Future Warriors Project in Tanzania we have supported over 400 women leading busines groups, sponsored over 600 children, published research about Maasai health, built cultural tourism campsites and provided nutritious food for an early childhood school.
I'm sharing my story today to ask you to give to Future Warriors Project Inc. this end of financial year, and make sure more women and children have the same opportunity that I had from start to today now living in Queensland, Australia.
Please give today.
Thank you for your support,
Sianga Kuyan
Founder, Future Warriors Project Inc.
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As one of the last remaining indigenous tribes of our planet, the Maasai play an important role in safeguarding the African Savannah ecosystem. It is one of the reasons FWPs continue to support and help them protect their tribal culture and their lands. These projects help the Maasai to adapt to an ever changing environment by teaching them about land management, conservation, family planning and the importance of education.
The funds we are raising will support a Maasai women enterprise where Stephanie is teaching Maasai women to make reusable sanitary kits.The project has been a huge success and we have so far distributed over 500 reusable sanitary kits to Maasai girls and women in our community and beyond.
Our enterprise empowers the women who work for us by giving them an income while at the same time providing Maasai girls with a way of dealing with their menses, therefore making it easier for them to go to and stay in school.
Traditionally Maasai women have no means of managing their menstruation and often miss out on school as economical and cultural obstacles leave them without options.Many Maasai girls get married off at a very young age and are forced to have many children. Without an education and stuck in an environment bound to ancient traditions, they often live a life of struggle and don't have the foresight to teach their children differently.
With our Maasai women enterprise we try to break the cycle by encouraging Maasai girls to get the education they need to be able to make their own choices.
Our greatest challenge is related to the remoteness of our enterprise: we are located in the midst of the Maasai Steppe with the nearest town a 12 hour bus ride away. There we are able to buy some of the fabric we need but many materials are not available in Tanzania.

One trip to Arusha or Dar es Salaam (2 days travel and 2 days stay) to buy or pick up fabric, costs an average of
100 US just on transport (35US), accomodation (40 US) and food (25US).

I hope you find it in you to support us.
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Stay healthy and Say NO to SOFT Drinks for 6 weeks during COVID-19. You can do good for your health while doing good for the world by taking part not only you’ll increase your immunity during this PANDEMIC period., but You also be helping others by raising funds to support Our Maasai COVID-19 food program. We are in this together.
Maasai communities urgently need your support during this Pandemic Period.
85% of Maasai households experience severe food insecurity - with communal markets closing and food prices increasing, they will face starvation
Most Maasai villages cannot access water for handwashing purposes
High rates of respiratory and underlying conditions could put Maasai at higher risk of COVID-19
Myths and wildly inaccurate theories about COVID-19 are dominating Maasai communities
Food for families
50kg of Cornmeal $60 per family ( 90 days NO-Soft Drinks Challenge)
20kg of Beans $55 per family ( 60 days NO-Soft drinks Challenge)
Cooking Oil 3lt $15 per family ( 30 days NO-Soft drinks Challenge)
Salt $5 per family ( 2 Weeks NO-Soft Drinks Challenge)
$220 for per truck transportation per village ( Encourage friends and families to Join the Challenge)
200 handwashing stations
$15 per kit
Community education workshops
$1,200 for 10 Different communities
How to Donate
Via paypal:
Via bank transfer:
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Future Warriors Project Inc.
BSB: 034-264
Acct No: 299347
A message from our CEO:
“We thank everyone for your patience as we respond to the world’s reaction to COVID19. I am beyond thankful for the support, resilience, kindness, and patience all our sponsors have shown during this unprecedented situation. As a small organization, this is a very hard time for us. And the situation is dynamic but we will remain focused on providing care and changing the lives of so many disadvantaged children and communities in Tanzania.”
Sianga Kuyan
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Future Warriors Project has held many fundraising dinners and here are some photos of our team with our guests.